I'm a 3rd year Ph.D. student at Kim Jaechul Graduate School of AI, KAIST, advised by professor Jaegul Choo.

My research interest lies in 2D/3D vision and graphics. I am passionate about leveraging computer vision systems to address real-world challenges and applications.


  • sharpeeee [at] kaist.ac.kr


  • Ph.D. Student in Artificial Intelligence

    Sep. 2021 - Present

    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

    Advisor: Prof. Jaegul Choo

  • BS in School of Computing, Electrical Engineering (Double Major)

    Mar. 2016 - 2021

    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Professional Experiences

  • NVIDIA, Digital Human Team
    Jun. 2024 -

    AI Research Intern
  • Naver Cloud, Neural 3D Team
    Feb. 2024 - Jun. 2024

    AI Research Intern
  • Kakao Enterprise, Vision Intelligence Team
    Jul. 2022 - Dec. 2022

    AI Research Intern
  • Mindslab
    Mar. 2021 - Aug. 2021

    AI Research Intern
  • SKT
    Jun. 2019 - Jun. 2020

    AI Fellowship
  • KAKAO, Recommendation Systems Team
    Sep. 2018 - Feb. 2019

    AI Research Intern


  • Effective Rank Analysis and Regularization for Enhanced 3D Gaussian Splatting

    Junha Hyung, Susung Hong, Sungwon Hwang, Jaeseong Lee, Jaegul Choo†, Jin-Hwa Kim† († corresponding authors)

    The Thirty-Eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024

    [ paper ] [ project page ]

  • SelfSwapper: Self-Supervised Face Swapping via Shape Agnostic Masked AutoEncoder

    Jaeseong Lee*, Junha Hyung*, Sohyun Jung, Jaegul Choo (* equal contribution)

    The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024

    [ paper ] [ project page ]

  • Local 3D Editing via 3D Distillation of CLIP Knowledge

    Junha Hyung, Sungwon Hwang, Daejin Kim, Hyunji Lee, Jaegul Choo

    IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023

    [ paper ] [ project page ]

  • MagiCapture: High-Resolution Multi-Concept Portrait Customization

    Junha Hyung*, Jaeyo Shin*, Jaegul Choo (* equal contribution)

    Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024

    [ paper ] [ project page ]

  • FaceCLIPNeRF: Text-driven 3D Face Manipulation using Deformable Neural Radiance Fields

    Sungwon Hwang, Junha Hyung, Daejin Kim, Min-Jung Kim, Jaegul Choo

    Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023

    [ paper ] [ project page ]

  • PixelHuman: Animatable Neural Radiance Fields from Few Images

    Gyumin Shim, Jaeseong Lee, Junha Hyung, Jaegul Choo

    arXiv preprint

    [ paper ]

  • Text2Control3D: Controllable 3D Avatar Generation in Neural Radiance Fields using Geometry-Guided Text-to-Image Diffusion Model

    Sungwon Hwang, Junha Hyung, Jaegul Choo

    arXiv preprint

    [ paper ]

Awards & Honors

  • Google Cloud Award

    GCP Research Grant
  • Qualcomm

    Qualcomm-KAIST Multimodal Emotion Recognition Kaggle 1st Prize

    Dean's list